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SQL(Structured Query Language) is a database computer language designed for the retrieval and management of data in relational database management systems (RDBMS), database schema creation and modification, and database object access control management.

SQL is a querying language for querying and modifying data and managing databases. SQL was standardized first by the ANSI and later by the ISO. Most database management systems implement a majority of one of these standards and add their proprietary extensions. SQL allows the retrieval, insertion, updating, and deletion of data. A database management system also includes management and administrative functions. Most – if not all – implementations also include a command-line interface (SQL/CLI) that allows for the entry and execution of the language commands, as opposed to only providing an application programming interface (API) intended for access from a graphical user interface (GUI).

All terms

«SQL» is also found here:

Bibliography. [6]

Three-valued logic and WHERE clause. [5]

Product of column values. [5]

Integer division. [4]

Truncate table statement. [4]

Data manipulation language (DML). [4]


CONCAT function. [3]

DATEDIFF function. [3]

Number sequences in PostgreSQL. [3]

About generation of number sequences in SQL Server. [3]

Exercise #10 (tips and solutions). [3]

Aggregate function to aggregate function. [3]

Adding rows to a table with identity column. [3]

Default values. [3]

PIVOT and UNPIVOT Operators. [2]


Exercise #71. [2]

Intersect and Except. [2]

Data type conversion and CAST function. [2]

About implicit conversion of SQL Server data types. [2]

Intersect and Except. [2]

LOG and EXP functions. [2]

Ranking functions. [2]

Exercise #8 (tips and solutions). [2]


Entity Integrity. [2]

Subqueries in Check Constraints. [2]

Numbering query result rows in MySQL. [2]

Equivalents for analytic functions. [2]

LAG and LEAD functions. [2]

IIF functions. [2]

Relational division. [2]

EOMONTH function. [2]

DATEPART function. [2]

Delimited identifiers. [2]

The modify() Method. [2]

Database «Recycled materials company». [2]

Exercise #3 (computer firm). [2]

Terminology used and realization features. [2]

Exercise #19 (ships). [2]

What is this textbook devoted to?. [2]

Introduction. [2]

What is needed for work with the textbook?. [2]

Exercise 54 (Ships). [2]

Useful tips on how to work with the textbook . [2]

Exercise 3 (rating). [1]

Simple SELECT statement. [1]

XML Data Type Methods. [1]

Database «Airport». [1]

Adding rows to a table with single identity column. [1]

The sorting and NULL values. [1]

CROSS APPLY operator. [1]

Paging records in SQL Server 2012. [1]

CTE. Duplicates deleting in PostgreSQL. [1]

EXCEPT and duplicates elimination. [1]

MySQL. Usage of query variables. [1]

DATEFROMPARTS function. [1]

Table Level Check Constraints. [1]

The sorting and NULL values. [1]

Sorting in order of days of birth. [1]

NTILE function. [1]

Entity Integrity. [1]

Exercise #56 (ships). [1]

Prepare for second-stage testing. [1]

Transact-SQL functions handling datetime data types. [1]

DATEDIFF function. [1]

RIGHT function. [1]

LEN function. [1]

Exercise #24. [1]

These “sly” outer joins. [1]

Exercise #7 (computer firm). [1]

About implicit conversion of SQL Server data types. [1]

Random sampling of rows from a table in SQL Server. [1]

Random sampling of rows from a table in SQL Server. [1]

Correlated subqueries. [1]

Exercise #6 (computer firm). [1]

Exercise #26 (computer firm). [1]

INSERT statement. [1]

Exercise #6 (tips and solutions). [1]

Exercise #53 (Ships). [1]

Exercise #15 (tips and solutions). [1]

Exercise #17 (tips and solutions). [1]

Exercise #43 (tips and solutions). [1]

Exercise #(-2) (tips and solutions). [1]

Exercise #53 (tips and solutions). [1]

Exercise #59 (tips and solutions). [1]

Exercise #37 (Ships). [1]

Predicates I. [1]

Renaming columns and calculations in the result set. [1]

Explicit join operations. [1]

Exercise #60 (recycling firm). [1]

Exercise #70 (ships). [1]

Data type conversion and CAST function. [1]

Aggregate function to aggregate function. [1]

Window functions. [1]

About generation of number sequences in SQL Server. [1]

About generation of number sequences in SQL Server. [1]

Float(n). [1]

LIKE predicate. [1]

ROW_NUMBER function. [1]

RANK() and DENSE_RANK() functions. [1]

PIVOT operator. [1]

LEN() function, trailing spaces and uniqueness. [1]

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