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What do you need to work with the textbook?

    To solve the exercises analyzed in the textbook, you may:

1. Use the available console for query execution. Currently, queries are run against Microsoft SQLServer, but we plan to expand the range of DBMS’s used in the textbook. In particular, we intend implementing query execution against Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL.

2. If you prefer to use the DBMS installed locally on your computer, you can download the sample databases scripts at www.sql-ex.ru/db_script_download.php. Each of these scripts will create the necessary tables of the respective sample database and populate them with data.

3. If you are already familiar with SQL, try visiting www.sql-ex.ru where you can solve online not just simple exercises for beginners presented here. More complex tasks will help you to assess your competency level in practical application of SQL, and the rating system will allow you to compete with about 20’000 its other participants. The check system of the site will test whether your queries are correct, and the forum there is a great place to get acquainted with solutions by other visitors. You may learn a lot from analyzing queries posted on the forum, since many of them have been written by true professionals.

aggregate functions Airport ALL AND AS keyword ASCII AVG Battles Bezhaev Bismarck C.J.Date calculated columns Cartesian product CASE cast CHAR CHARINDEX Chebykin check constraint classes COALESCE common table expressions comparison predicates Computer firm CONSTRAINT CONVERT correlated subqueries COUNT CROSS APPLY CTE data type conversion data types database schema DATEADD DATEDIFF DATENAME DATEPART DATETIME date_time functions DDL DEFAULT DEFAULT VALUES DELETE DISTINCT DML duplicates edge equi-join EXCEPT exercise (-2) More tags
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