LIKE predicate page 1 |
The LIKE predicate compares the string specified in the first expression for calculating the string value, which is refered to as a value to test, with the pattern that is defined in the second expression for calculating the string value. The pattern may contain any combination of wildcards such as:
If the value to test matches the pattern with the wildcards, the preducate equals TRUE. Below are some examples of the patterns.
Example 5.4.1 Find all the ships the class names of those end with the character 'о': The result of that query is the following table:
Example 5.4.2 Find all the ships the class names ending with the character 'о' but not with the characters 'go':
If the string to search includes a wildcard as a character, then specify a control symbol in the ESCAPE clause. This control symbol is to be used in the pattern prior to the wildcard to warn that the wildcard here should be considered as an ordinary character. For example, if the value to search includes the character "_", the pattern '%_%' results in returning all the record from the table. Hence, the pattern should be written as:
To search the string "25%", the following predicate may be used:
The truth value of LIKE predicate is assigned in accordance with the following rules: