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Paging records page 3

Stored procedure, as described above, might look like:

  2. @n int -- number of records per page
  3. , @p int =1 -- the page number by default - the first
  4. AS
  6.  (SELECT *,
  7.    CASE WHEN num % @n = 0 THEN num/@n ELSE num/@n + 1 END AS page_num,
  8.    CASE WHEN total % @n = 0 THEN total/@n ELSE total/@n + 1 END AS num_of_pages
  9.   FROM
  10.   (SELECT *,
  11.          ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY price DESC) AS num,
  12.          COUNT(*) OVER() AS total FROM Laptop
  13.   ) X
  14.  ) Y
  15. WHERE page_num = @p;
  16. GO

Thus, if we need to get a second page with 2 entries on the page, just write

  1. exec paging @n=2, @p=2

As a result, we obtain:

code model speed ram hd price screen num total page_num num_of_pages
4 1298 600 64 10 1050.00 15 3 6 2 3
2 1321 500 64 8 970.00 12 4 6 2 3

But so will look incomplete second page, if the number of records per page will be equal to four:

  1. exec paging @n=4, @p=2

code model speed ram hd price screen num total page_num num_of_pages
6 1298 450 64 10 950.00 12 5 6 2 2
1 1298 350 32 4 700.00 11 6 6 2 2
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